Maximizing Service Reward for Queues With Deadline

Li-on Raviv

In the recent years the deployment of media-rich applications for mobile devices has increased. These applications have huge bandwidth consumption while they differ in their quality-of-service requirements. Due to temporary lack of network resources due to high usage, the traffic is queued. Providing the right level of Quality of Service to the mission critical and the non-mission critical applications can be addressed by a proper scheduling mechanism. In this colloquium I will present a scheduler that takes advantage of information that exists in the network. This scheduler outperforms the well known Earliest-Deadline-First scheduling policy. Then I will present a scheduling policy that provides excellent results for packets with rewards and deadlines. I will show that the policy is optimal under deterministic service time and binomial reward distribution. This scheduling method was later being proposed as part of a joint scheduling method in MU-MIMO and ZFBF environment.

Last Updated Date : 04/01/2021