מדידות של ריכוז מלח בדגימות שתן באמצעות חיישן סיב אופטי


Monitoring of salt intake based on fiber-optic analysis of urine samples

תיאור הפרויקט:

The daily intake of salt is among the most critical parameters effecting the health of patients suffering from high blood pressure. To-date there is no efficient method for the simple monitoring of salt intake througout the day. Numerous companies are attempting to develop such sensors, based on the analysis of urine samples. The Zadok group had developed a simple fiber-tip sensor for the analysis of liquids. The sensor was tested on solutions of synthetic urine, that are accepted as standard substitute of real samples in research and development. It is found that the reading of sensor is sensitive to the dilution of the solutions samples in water. The results are an important first step towards consumer, mobile-point-of-care analysis

תכולת הפרויקט: 

Students will studey the working principles of the sensor, familiarize themselves with previous works of the group, the test and measurement setup, and the data analysis protocols. Fundamental training in surface chemistry procedures will be given. The students will apply various surface treatments to the tips of fibers. Lastly, thorough experimental characterization will be carried out, using various surface treatments, solutions, etc.           


Electro-optics track - an advantage; Bio-engineering track - an advantage. Willingness to perfrom wet chemistry procedures. Of course, desire to work hard!        

בשיתוף עם:     Consumer Physics company 


E. Preter, R. A. Katims, V. Artel, C. N. Sukenik, D. Donlagic, and A. Zadok, "Monitoring and analysis of pendant droplets evaporation using bare and monolayer-coated optical fiber facets," Opt. Mater. Express 4, 903-915. E. Preter, M. Katzman, M. Ronen, D. Gerber, and A. Zadok, "Fiber-optic evaporation analysis of environmental parameters and of
synthetic urine samples," accepted for presentation in Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS)-24 Conference, Brazil 2015. Available upon request 

דוא"ל: Avinoam.Zadok@biu.ac.il

Last Updated Date : 16/06/2015