Learning Common Sense: a Grand Challenge for Academic AI Research

24/05/2018 - 19:00 - 16:00Add To Calendar 2018-05-24 16:00:00 2018-05-24 19:00:00 Learning Common Sense: a Grand Challenge for Academic AI Research In a world where Google, Facebook, and others possess massive proprietary data sets, and unprecedented computational power---how is a graduate student to make a dent in the universe? I’ll address this conundrum by re-visiting one of the holy grails of AI: acquiring, representing, and utilizing common-sense knowledge. Can we leverage modern methods including deep learning, NLP, and crowd sourcing to build AI systems that are more general, more robust to adversarial examples, and more data efficient than today’s AI savants?  מרצהProf. Oren Etzioni CEO of Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Prof. at University of Washington BIU Engineering Building 1102, Room 002 הפקולטה להנדסה Engineering.Faculty@mail.biu.ac.il Asia/Jerusalem public
BIU Engineering Building 1102, Room 002

In a world where Google, Facebook, and others possess massive proprietary data sets, and unprecedented computational power---how is a graduate student to make a dent in the universe? I’ll address this conundrum by re-visiting one of the holy grails of AI: acquiring, representing, and utilizing common-sense knowledge. Can we leverage modern methods including deep learning, NLP, and crowd sourcing to build AI systems that are more general, more robust to adversarial examples, and more data efficient than today’s AI savants? 

Prof. Oren Etzioni CEO of Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Prof. at University of Washington

Last Updated Date : 16/05/2018