The International hybrid Conference by the GenPro Consortium on RISC-V Technologies

כנס GenPro בפקולטה להנדסה

On November 17, 2021, at the Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University took place the International hybrid Conference by the GenPro Consortium on RISC-V Technologies. The GenPro Consortium consists of five Israeli companies - NVIDIA (formerly Mellanox), CEVA, DSPG, Western Digital, Satisfy, and academic partners from Bar-Ilan Univesity, Tel Aviv University, The Technion, and Ben Gurion University. The Consortium was supported within the framework of the MAGNET program of the IIA.

The consortium is now concluding three R&D years in which it developed two CPU flavors, one for the IoT domain with good performance under low power conditions, and another for high-performance application Linux-enabled.

Article about the consortium in Geektime

The full program of the conference


Last Updated Date : 13/12/2021