
  •  Prof. Zeev Zalevsky

    Prof. Zeev Zalevsky Wins the ASLMS prestigious Young Investigator Award.

    Prof. Zeev Zalevsky, Head of the Electro-Optics Program at BIU’s Faculty of Engineering, and Director of BIU’s Nanophotonics Center , has won the American Society of Lasers in Medicine and Surgery’s prestigious Young Investigator Award. Prof. Zalevsky was awarded for his involvement in the development of laser-based remote biomedical sensors. This innovative technology enables biomedical remote sensing in real time, using lasers and reflected pattern analysis.

  •  Dr. Gur Yaari

    Dr. Gur Yaari Appointed Member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

    Dr. Gur Yaari has been appointed a member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities' Forum for Young Reserachers in Natural Sciences, along with three other BIU researchers. 

    The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities established a Young Researchers Forum in the Natural Sciences. The Forum's objective is to bring together outstanding young researchers from academic institutions in Israel with expertise in a shared field, to engage in scientific discussions of cutting-edge research in the selected field. BIU Rector Prof. Miriam Faust congrtulated the newly appointed Forum members and predicted they will contribute greatly to the Forum's activities, and to leveraging the fields of natural sciences in Israel. 


  • Tech Can Alleviate Pressure on Hospitals, Says Prof. Zeev Zalevsky

    The Faculty of Engineering's Prof. Zeev Zalevsky, who is also ContinUse Bimoterics CTO, spoke at Calcalist’s 7th digital and mobile conference in Tel Aviv. He also said the healthcare industry is struggling to keep up with patient demand. Read the full Calcalist article here


  • Ofer Schwartz

    Best Article Award to PhD Candidate

    Ofer Schwartz, a PhD candidate in Prof. Sharon Gannot's group, has won the Best Paper Award at the 2017  WASPAA conference (IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics) held in New York earlier this month. The paper, titled "Blind Microphone Geometry Calibration Using One Reverberant Speech Event" was co written with Axel Plinge, of TU Dortmund Universit, who also presented the article during the conference. 

  •  Dr. Koby Baranes

    At the Forefront of Stem Cell Research

    Dr. Koby Baranes develops stem cell research models, in hopes of discovering improved treatment methods for autism and multiple sclerosis


  •  Granny's Heart (Hebrew book cover)

    Your Dad Would Have Been Proud

    Granny's Heart is a children’s poetry book written by Yaffa Yomtovian in memory of her husband who lost his battle to cancer. Yaffa’s daughter Michal is a graduate of the Faculty of Engineering.

  •  Tamar Viclizki

    The Objective: 50% Female Programmers within a Decade

    Tamar Viclizki is the Founding Director of the She-Codes office at Bar-Ilan University, aiming to make the world of programming more accessible to women

  •  Dr. Ran Gelles

    The Goal: an Error-Free Network

    Dr. Ran Gelles combines interactive coding theories with distributed computing to create a fail-safe communication network

  •  Dr. Doron Naveh

    As Small as It Gets

    Dr. Doron Naveh constructs transistors from two dimensional and topological materials, and studies dichalcogenide spintronics, hoping to change the paradigm of nano-electronics

  • Prof. Amir Leshem

    Breaking the Net

    What do Facebook and Twitter have to do with fighting terror or curing epidemic diseases?
    Prof. Amir Leshem presents: the study of social media and its unexpected contexts

  •  Dr. Moti Fridman

    Playing with Time

    After successfully cloaking a short event in time during his Post Doc, Dr. Moti Fridman is using temporal optics to develop advanced temporal technologies.

  • Israel Academic of Sciences and Humanities Membership

    Dr. Gur Yaari of the Faculty of Engineering is one of four BIU scientists to be chosen as member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities’ Young Researchers Forum. The forum elects Israel’s outstanding young researchers in natural sciences to engage in scientific discussions of cutting-edge research in the selected field.

  • The Faculty of Engineering in Bar-Ilan University qualifies for RoboCup Finals 2017 in Japan

    Bar Ilan University (BIU) is proud to announce that its humanoid soccer  team has qualified for the 2017 RoboCup finals in Japan, which will  take place July 27-31. Our team is made up of new custom-built  humanoid robot players, with a student programming team. This advanced  team of  humanoid  players shows the convergence of Sciences and Engineering at BIU,  with contributions from Dr. Eli Kolberg of the Faculty of Engineering,  and Prof. Gal Kaminka of the Computer Science Department in the  Faculty of Natural Sciences. The team will be lead to Japan by  Dr. Kolberg and support staff

  • Post Doc Fellowship

    Dr. Raj Kumar, a postdoc in Prof. Orit Shefi's lab, earned the VATAT (PBC) Fellowship for outstanding postdoctoral researchers from China and India.

  • Professor Sharon Gannot

    Speaker Localization in Reverberant Rooms

    Professor Sharon Gannot and his team address this classic problem in the field of signal processing, by methods of manifold learning