
  • Dr. Benjamin Zaidel Wins 3rd Prize in Nokia Bell Labs Innovation Competition

    Dr. Benjamin Zaidel of the Alxenader Kofkin Faculty of Engineering, has won 3rd prize in the Nokia Bell Labs competition, along with Prof. Shlomo Shamai from the Technion, for their submission titled "Sparse Communications: Closing the Gap to the Ultimate Performance Liits". In addition to winning a 25,000$, the three top winners, will enjoy to opportunity of developing their idea in the Bell Labs. 

    The Bell Labs Prize is a competition for innovators from participating countries around the globe that seeks to recognize proposals that ‘change the game’ in the field of information and communications technologies by a factor of 10, and provides selected innovators the unique opportunity to collaborate with Bell Labs researchers to help realize their vision. 

  • Dr. Benjamin Zaidel Named Finalist in Nokia Bell Labs Innovation Competition

    Dr. Benjamin Zaidel (standing, second from right) of the Alxenader Kofkin Faculty of Engineering, has been named finalist in the Nokia Bell Labs competition, along with Prof. Shlomo Shamai from the Technion, for their submission titled Sparse Communications: Closing the Gap to the Ultimate Performance Liits. In addition to winning a large some of money, the three top winners, to be announced December 5th, will enjoy to opportunity of developing their idea in the Bell Labs. 

    The Bell Labs Prize is a competition for innovators from participating countries around the globe that seeks to recognize proposals that ‘change the game’ in the field of information and communications technologies by a factor of 10, and provides selected innovators the unique opportunity to collaborate with Bell Labs researchers to help realize their vision. 

  • Faculty Alumna Dr. Rinat Meir Wins Prestigious Fulbright Post Doc Scholarship

    After conducting research at the lab of Prof. Rachela Popovtzer, Dr. Rinat Meir received the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship and is pursuing her postdoc at Columbia University on new nano-biomaterials in drug-delivery. Dr. Meir received a bachelor's and master's degree in chemistry from the Hebrew University, and received her PhD at the lab of Prof. Rachela Popovtzer in the Faculty of Engineering at Bar-Ilan University. Meir, together with a multidisciplinary team of scientists, developed a breakthrough theranostic drug-delivery platform, that utilizes nanoparticles) for treating and diagnosing cancer through targeted immunotherapy.

  • Developments by the Faculty's Leading Scientists featured in Health Europa

    Health Europa, a prominent international publication, features a number of scientific technologies developed by the Faclty of Engineering's Prof. Zeev Zalevsky, Prof. Rachela Popovtzer, Prof. Orit Shefi, and Prof. Dror Fixler

  • Prof. Popovtzer working to develop a cancer-detecting marker

    Prof. Rachela Popovtzer, of the Faculty of Engineering, is collaborating with Isotopia, an Israeli developer of radiopharmaceutical technologies, to develop a radioactive marker, based on nanoparticles, for the detection of cancer.

  •  Prof. Fixler and Prof. Zalevsky with the Program's students

    The Summer Program in Nanophotonics launches its 3rd round

    The Faculty of Engineering opened the third cycle of its innovative Summer Program in Nanophotonics. The Program offers graduates students an extensive academic experience in a vibrant social and cultural environment at Israel’s most advanced department of electrical engineering. The students arrived this week from all corners of the globe, and will be completing the four-week program here on campus. The ultimate goal, says Prof. Dror Fixler, is to provide the students with a first-rate academic experience, introducing them to Israeli life, and advance the Faculty of Engineering's image as an international research facility, attracting exceling students from all over the world.

  • Congratulations to Dr. Doron Naveh for Winning a BSF-NSF Research Grant

    Dr. Doron Naveh of the Faculty of Engineering has been awarded the presitgious BSF-NSF reserach grant. The research is jointly given by BSF (US-Israel Binational Science Foundation) and NSF (US National Science Foundation). Dr. Naveh's focuses on combining theoretical and experimental reserach of a carbon-based material called graphene. Learn more about Dr. Naveh's innovative research here.

  •  Dean's Honor Roll Ceremony

    Congratulations to the Undergrads included on the Dean's Honor List!

    Last week, 14 undergraduate stuedents of the Faculty of Engineering were recognized for being included on the Dean's or Rector's Honor Roll. Two of the students were commeded for their academic excellence and social leadership. Congratulations to all the winners!

  • Prof. Zalevsky's Contin-Use Biometrics - the promise to the future

    The promise of the future is also at the heart of an article by Prof. Zeev Zalesky of Contin-Use Biometrics, winner of the 2018 Prism Award for medical diagnostics and therapies. The award-winning SmartHealth Mod is the first photonic sensor capable of continuously monitoring heart rate, respiration and blood pressure at a distance. Zalesky’s lab at Bar-Ilan University has uncovered some promising future capabilities for the smartphone-based technology. These will pave the way to performing biomedical diagnosis via remote photonics sensing. “Remote Noninvasive Sensor Monitors Multiple Bioparameters”, per Photonics Media

    To read Prof. Zalevsky's article click here

  • Secure Hardware – Fighting Side Channel Attacks

    After years of computer coding research, Dr. Osnat Keren now focuses on Secure Hardware, leading two research groups trying to provide different strategies to protect systems from side channel attacks.

  • Prof. Zalevsky awaded IS&T Fellow Status

    Prof. Zeev Zalevsky, Head of the Electro-Optics study track at the Faculty of Engineering and Senior Researcher at BIU Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA), has been awarded a Fellow status at IS&T (Society for Imaging Science and Technology) for "many valuable technical contributions in optical imaging and optical microscopy."

  • Post Doc Times Two!

    If you thought landing a good post doc fellowship abroad was hard, imagine if you had to find two of them! Merav and Yair Passig Antman met and were married when they were both graduate students at Bar-Ilan. Both went on to complete their PhD at the Alexander Kofkin Faculty of Engineering.

  •  Yariv with the lab team, welcoming their newest (and tiniest) member

    A Super Woman PhD

    Inbar Yariv, a PhD candidate and a married mother of two, writes her articles while holding her baby, nurses in the lab and changes diapers in one of the Faculty of Engineering’s several lounges-turned-nappy changing room.

  • A Women's Power to Change the World

    For Dr. Ruchira Chakraborty (32), a scientific career was an easy choice. And that is no small matter for a young girl from India. “My whole family is involved in sciences,” she says.

  • Trailblazing Clinical Technology

    In February 2018, the Israeli Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (ISMBE) held its annual conference, during which excelling doctoral candidates from all universities in Israel were awarded for groundbreaking discoveries. This year, six awards were handed out, one of which to Tamar Dreifuss, of Prof. Rachela Popovtzer's lab at BIU’s Alexander Kofkin Faculty of Engineering.