Chip Identification Circuit (Fingerprint) using SRAM Physical Unclonable Functions (PUF)

שיטה להגדלת האמינות של מערכי זיכרון המשמשים לייצור זהות דיגיטלית

מספר פרויקט
סטטוס - הצעה
אחראי אקדמי

הרקע לפרויקט:

In the modern era, there is a huge amount of secured data transfer involving credit cards, autonomous vehicles, IOT, etc. It is essential for data centers to be able to identify users accurately and securely. A new category of circuit called Physical Uncloneable Functions (PUF) has been utilized to provide secret encryption keys and authentication. The PUFs use random transistor mismatch to generate digital codes, which are unknown even to the device manufacturer. The problem with PUF are that they also have many flaky bits which can change due to noise effects, requiring the use of complex error correction algorithms.

מטרת הפרויקט:

In this project, several novel techniques will be utilized to improve the reliability and robustness of the basic PUF cell. These techniques involve a combination of analog, digital and device physics concepts. During the course of this work, you will design a novel PUF array as well as its readout circuitry, all of which will be implemented in a Si IC. This is an original idea whose successful implementation can result in an academic publication.

תכולת הפרויקט:

In this project the student will design a PUF using digital and analog techniques. The schematics will be prepared in Virtuoso and simulated. Layout and post-layout simulations will be conducted to verify the circuit performance. This project will include a tapeout and Silicon measurements. The successful conclusion of this project may lead to an academic publication. Since there are several topologies here, there can be more than one project available.

קורסי קדם:

768330301 אלקטרוניקה לינארית - חובה
768332501 מעבדה למעגלים אנלוגיים – חובה
8330801 מעגלים אלקטרוניים ספרתיים – חובה
83315 מעבדה מעגלים אלקטרוניים ספרתיים – חובה
768361101 מעגלים משולבים אנלוגיים – מומלץ


Y. Shifman and J. Shor, "Preselection Methods to Achieve Very Low BER in SRAM-Based PUFs -A Tutorial," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 2551-2556, June 2022

תאריך עדכון אחרון : 29/09/2024