ד"ר אייל קולמן עיבוד שפות טבעיות בטכניקות למידה עמוקה 83-374

  1. Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville,2016 
  2. Attention is all you need, Vaswani, Ashish and Shazeer, Noam and Parmar, Niki and Uszkoreit, Jakob and Jones, Llion and Gomez, Aidan N and Kaiser, Lukasz and Polosukhin, Illia, 2017
  3. BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding, Devlin, Jacob and Chang, Ming-Wei and Lee, Kenton and Toutanova, Kristina, 2018
  4. Word2Vec: Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space, Mikolov, Tomas and Chen, Kai and Corrado, Greg and Dean, Jeffrey, 2013
  5. Word2vec Explained: deriving Mikolov et al.'s negative-sampling word-embedding method, Goldberg, Yoav and Levy, Omer, 2014
  6. Deep Learning for Search, Tommaso Teofili, 2019
  7. Pegasus: Pre-training with extracted gap-sentences for abstractive summarization, Zhang, Jingqing and Zhao, Yao and Saleh, Mohammad and Liu, Peter, 2020
  8. Language models are unsupervised multitask learners, Radford, Alec, et al., 2019 (GPT2 paper)
  9. Language models are few-shot learners, Brown Tom et. al., 2020 (GPT3 paper)

תאריך עדכון אחרון : 09/10/2024